During the progression of his or her training a student is expected to cultivate and harness impeccable skills in technical writing. So as to do this, he or she will be expected to write various research papers based on the unit or studies that he or she is taking. Writing a research paper is thus a task that almost every single student has to do. A research paper is not a typical lab report. It however is a report of findings of a research that has been done on a particular topic using various tools. A research paper not only seeks to answer a question but to instill knowledge of the subject to the student.
Pick a Good Research Paper Topic
In order for one to write a good research paper, it is essential that you pick the most suitable research paper topics for you from the over 100 research paper topics that are available. Your professor may give you a particular topic to write on. Nonetheless, most of the time, you will have to pick research paper topics on your own.
100 Research Paper Topics at Different Tastes
- We have here a compilation of about 100 research paper topics that you can use
- Are abstinence programs effective among teenagers?
- Does advertising have an effect on the preferences of consumers?
- Is there a solution to war in Africa and Middle East?
- Causes and solutions to road accidents in the state
- Should be there compensation for families of airplane accidents?
- National security: is it thorough?
- How security can be enhanced in the community
- Use of technology in enhancing security
- Changing trends in crime over the years
- Measures that have been developed against terror attacks
- Drug abuse among people under thirty years
- Should alcohol consumption age limit be raised or lowered in the country?
- Drugs that are commonly abused
- Animal protection rights: are they justified?
- Is it just to use animals in medical testing and entertainment?
- What laws should be put in place regarding possessing of firearms
- Is it legit to arm pilots?
- Controversial art in the recent past
- Art and history that has shaped the nation
- Current Fashion trends and culture
- The history of fashion
- How can sports and athletics be promoted in schools
- Should college sportsmen and women be paid?
- Should company sponsorship be encouraged in high school athletics and sports?
- The government’s scoreboard in providing infrastructure
- Infrastructure designs that are unique to the country
- Remarkable landmarks and features in your state
- Are there some laws that should be changed or amended?
- Should the government draft a law against bullying in schools?
- Unique and interesting laws in the country
- Cell phones and the impact they have in the society
- How technology has impacted on the family and society’s norms
- Technology that changed the world
- How technology is likely to change in future
- Industrial malpractice
- Is it legal for a company to exploit cheap labor in developing nations?
- How industrial companies contribute to the society
- Should parents be involved in censorship of learning resources in school?
- Child abuse in the society
- How children are affected by war and use of child soldiers in war
- Children games then and now
- Can breaking the law be justified at times
- Should unmarried couples living together have same benefits as married couples at work?
- How worker’s rights are violated in today’s world
- How to motivate workers in an organization
- Effects of global warming
- Is green energy the way to go?
- Environmental pollutants in your locality
- Should there be more strict regulation on crude oil based fuels?
- Technological advancements and the environment
- Current trends in cybercrime
- How to stay safe online
- Latest techniques used to steal identity, money and commit fraud
- Alterations in the law that should be made regarding divorce
- Should same sex marriages be accepted by law
- How the marriage institution has transformed over time
- Are current methods of examining students effective?
- Do college exams truly determine a student’s intelligence and abilities?
- Alternatives that can replace conventional examinations
- How lifestyle and diet affects health
- Fast-food and effects to health
- Causes of obesity in the society
- Changes that the government should make in the department of correction
- Do felons have a right to vote?
- Common crimes that get people behind bar for a long time
- Feminism in the current world
- How modern young women view feminism
- Should employers offer employee fitness programs at work?
- How patriotism can be enhanced
- Does recounting the Loyalty Pledge really enhance effective patriotism
- Episodes when national patriotism has been clearly depicted
- Should there be a gap year between high school and college
- Changes that have been made in the education system over the years
- Education systems in various nations across the globe
- Infidelity in the society
- Is sex-change operation justifiable
- Some Health care crisis that have rocked the nation and how they can be averted
- Universal health care provision
- Effect of the internet on children
- Is the social media appropriate for children
- Should the government have control over the internet
- How the internet has revolutionized our lives
- Media and its impact in our lives
- Should journalist reveal the source of their information at all times?
- Should the government pay stay-at-home moms?
- Should the government enact mandatory military conscription
- Is sale of human organs legit? Should it be legalized?
- Safety measures for mining companies
- Tragic mining accidents in the country
- When children break the law should their parents be held accountable?
- Does censorship against pornography ironically increase curiosity?
- Is there a single true religion?
- Is the government justified in spying or wiretapping personal communications
- Are medical records truly confidential? Should they be?
- Should the government regulate what is served in schools?
- Should all students have to wear school uniforms
- Should children be spanked?
- Are statutory rape laws fair to both parties?
- Are there cases when terrorism is justified
- Is homosexuality genetic?